If you are like me, you love a good coupon. A good coupon can help make grocery shopping affordable and fun. It almost becomes a game trying to see how much you can save and what items you can try for less. While paper and digital coupons are the norms, don’t forget about coupons extensions. Follow along for the top coupon finder extensions in Chrome! 


Honey is one of the top coupon finder extensions in Chrome. The interface is fairly simple to use and you can earn Honey Gold towards gift cards. The extension app automatically finds coupon codes at checkout for all of your favorite retailers. I use the app mostly for pizza deals, but it checks thousands of codes for more than 4000 participating retailers. The app has a partnership with PayPal and Amazon. On Amazon, you can set price alerts. When an item shows a reduction in price you will be alerted so you can pick it up for a better deal.


When you shop online, this app works for you. Download the extension, shop your favorite retailers, and check out as you normally would. After checkout, Paribus goes to work. It checks your confirmation emails and watches for price drops. If a lower price is detected, it negotiates on your behalf to get your money back.

Gumdrop by Goodshop

This app lets you catch good deals and donations. Much like Honey, Gumdrop by Goodshop finds coupons and deals automatically for you. When you shop, you don’t earn gold, but you do help earn donations. The app donates directly to a cause of your choice for every retailer you shop with.

Hope this list finds you well. There are many more top coupon finder extension apps for you to explore. Check out the posted video and browse the web for more.