Smart shopping for healthy groceries is what many families worldwide strive to achieve. It’s okay to have a treat and cheat with food now and again, but being smart about how you shop for groceries can help you lead a healthier life. Today we’re tackling tips on finding healthy food options at the local grocery store.

1. Drink Bottled Water

Contaminated water is hazardous, and sometimes people consume water from the faucet, and while this is okay in some states, it can still be a risk. Instead, drink bottled or boxed water to be safe. Statistics have shown that between 8,000 and 18,000 people are hospitalized with Legionnaires’ disease in the United States each year. The disease is like pneumonia and occurs when contaminated water droplets are breathed in.

2. Have an Organized Shopping List

Organizing your groceries list can help you get all the elements you need for a balanced meal every day of the week. In your list, categorize it into vegetables, proteins, fruit, dairy, carbs, beverages, and non-dairy products. In this way, you’ll even save time while doing your shopping as you’ll go down specific isles with a mission to get those items as per your list.

3. Keep Your Cold Foods Well Refrigerated

You can use a torque wrench to fix the fridge door so that it seals properly. A torque wrench applies just the right amount of pressure using a specific torque to a fastener such as a nut or a bolt. Conrad Bahr invented the tool in 1918 while working for the New York City Water Department. Having one to help set your refrigerator and other things around the home fixed and secure is pretty handy.

4. Keep an Eye Out for Bad Ingredients

Not all ingredients have your health in mind, so when you consider your groceries, you must check the ingredients lists too. While this can take a bit of time, it is worth your while. Ingredients like added sweeteners, sodium, artificial colorants, and artificial flavor are just some of the ingredients you want to avoid.

5. Whole Grains for Your Family

It is said that in the U.S. and other Western counties, more than 90% people get married before turning 50. Now with a family, it’s not just your own health you’re looking out for. Instead, you have kids and your husband. Whole grains are a good option for better ingredients, including crackers, tortillas, and bread. Pairing whole grains with other food groups can help you get that good balance you need in your diet. Other whole grains include barley, rice (red and brown), Farro, bulgar, whole grain cereal, oatmeal, and popcorn to name a few.

6. Give Perimeter Shopping a Try

Perimeter shopping is designed to stay within the confines of fresh produce. In the old days, people used to shop this way only by purchasing freshly produced ingredients. In fact, canned and processed goods only came by a bit later. With fresh ingredients, including fresh cuts of meat, you can remake healthier meals for your family. There’s nothing wrong with buying frozen vegetables; in essence, they are still nutritious, but when compared to fresh vegetables, it loses some of those nutritious characteristics. Some products are also parboiled and then frozen, and by partially cooking, it already loses some goodness in the process.

7. Actively Focus on Choosing Healthy Snacks

Healthier food items in your groceries are a must for everyone. Sure, the occasional craving for sweeter treats may kick in, but this, too, can be done in a healthier fashion. When choosing chocolate, for instance, choose dark over diary or white chocolate. Healthy snacks can include fruit smoothies, yogurt, fruit salads, nuts, dates, and sorbet ice cream with fresh fruit. There are lots to choose from

Start shopping for healthier groceries today. Best of all, while your children are young, you can introduce them to this lifestyle and encourage healthier habits.