Shatel Huntley has a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from Georgia State University. In her spare time, she works with special needs adults and travels the world. Her interests include traveling to off the beaten path destinations, shopping, couponing, and saving.
If you are lucky and live in certain areas of the country, double coupon grocery stores exist. Some of them will double or even triple manufacturers’ coupons. This is where the grocery store will match (usually with some limits) the price listed on the coupon offered by manufacturers. Times and days when double coupons are…
Couponing is a whole lot of fun. Once you get into it, you will try out all the deals you find. This helps you perfect your technique for shopping and finding deals. When you get good, you may start compiling a stockpile of goods. These goods will help keep your household stocked up on the…
If you are a fan of organic and all-natural products, you have probably heard of Mambo Sprouts. The website is known for making healthy living affordable. The marketing company offers a wide assortment of specialty coupons they deliver by mail, in-store, and print-at-home methods. The company also publishes articles, videos, and newsletters with budget-friendly wellness…
I got into coupons on a whim. I thought, “let me try this out for one month and see what kind of savings I would have”. My first couple of trips to the stores were frustrating. I didn’t have my coupons organized correctly and did not read the fine print on them either. My totals…
Coupons can come from many sources. You can find them digitally, in the Sunday paper, your store loyalty cards, and even in the mail. Another sure-fire way to get coupons is through a clipping service. Coupon clipping services will locate the coupons you want, clip them, and send them to you ready to use. Follow…
Couponing is a skill that takes time to master. You have to locate coupons to use or purchase them. You have to find the sales ad and browse them for what you need. You must make a grocery list and pair them with coupons you have. You also need to clip the coupons before shopping.…
When it comes to grocery shopping, the cost can get outrageous. The cost grows with your dietary needs and the number of people you need to feed. If you want to lower the bill and keep money in your pocket, coupons are for you. They can afford your name-brand products for less and provide insurmountable…
Couponing is fun and rewarding. You often find yourself looking at all the store deals and setting up your shopping trip early before going in. It can even be fun to pick up local paper inserts, or even buying them in bulk. One step of the process that can be tedious, is getting your…
Coupons can be useful in several ways. You can use them to purchase brand name products for cheap. You can use them to bring down the cost of your grocery bill and feed a big family for less. Coupons are a blessing in that they can also positively impact your financial situation. While the savings…
The fourth of July will be here in 3 days. It is time to be around family and friends while celebrating the Independence of the United States. It is also a time to make new memories and enjoy good food. If you are like many families, you like delicious sides and dessert and lots of…