Safeway Top 5 Deals of the Week

Top Safeway deals of the week for 9/5 – 9/11.  Scenario’s below reflect using double coupons. Yoplait Yogurt Cups 4 – 6 oz $0.50 each $0.30/1 Yoplait Simplait Yogurt Printable $0.30/1 Yoplait Simplait Yogurt SS 8/26 B1G1 Yoplait Simplait Yogurt SS 8/26 $0.40/6 Yoplait Yogurt Cups Printable Final Price:  as low as FREE Progresso Recipe Starters $1.39…

save money on groceries

Save Money on Groceries Infograph

All You magazine has come out a nice infograph detailing some of the more common spending traps found in grocery stores. In addition to the grocery store traps, the infograph also gives solutions to the trap. For those that are looking for simple ways to save more money when grocery shopping, understanding these tricks so…

2012 Coupon Insert Schedule

The 2012 Coupon Insert Schedule Anyone that wants to make the most of grocery coupons needs to know when the grocery coupon inserts will be in the Sunday newspapers. The following shows the Smart Source 2012 coupon insert schedule, the Red Plum 2012 coupon insert schedule. There are also special coupon inserts from general Mills…

Sounds of Food

OK, I readily admit that I have no idea what this is. In fact, it’s one of the most bizarre videos I have ever seen. I was looking for videos on food and coupons when I somehow came across it. I’d try to explain it but you wouldn’t believe me if I did, so just…