Organic and Natural product labels

It’s International Earth Month, and Earth Day is rapidly approaching. April has become one of my favorite shopping months in recent years as the “eco-movement” has grown, with more organic and natural products emerging and being promoted through Earth Month sales, coupons, and rebates. This year is a bit different, though. As the economy has…

Couponing at Craft Stores

If you are a crafter, consider signing up for their weekly newsletters.  Chances are you will receive loads of coupons you might not find elsewhere! Here are some examples for this Easter week: Michaels ACMoore There are also several from JoAnn’s, but I might be using them myself 🙂 You can often combine coupons with…

Stonyfield Farm Recall notice

FROM STONFIELD FARM EMAIL: Stonyfield Farm Announces Nationwide Recall of Specific Fat Free Plain Quarts Code Date May 6 and 7, 2009 Back to “Moos” Contacts: Alice Markowitz, Vice President of Communications,, 603-437-4040 Sarah Badger, Communications Specialist,, 603-437-4040 Londonderry, NH – April 3, 2009 Stonyfield Farm is conducting a voluntary recall of Fat…

Husbands Can be so Gullible

My husband firmly believes he is a marketing directors worst nightmare.  It is true, he can see an ad on television dozens of times before he even notices it.  He doesn’t notice the flashing ads on the computer, the billboards along the road, or the coupon tear pads and displays in the stores.  Which is worse, because…