Rain Checks

Do you wait for your local sales announcements, and rush to the store to cash in on the too-good-to-be-true pricing? If so, you have probably experienced the “empty shelf” syndrome. Hot sales prices on one or two advertised items can drive customers in quickly, depleting the stock on hand. Late comers must choose between purchasing…

Stockpiling Groceries

Stockpiling: The Supersaver Arsenal Let’s face it: with gasoline prices hovering around $3 per gallon, almost all of us are paying as much as $40 to $50 per fill up at the gas station. Add that cost to rising prices for many other goods and services, and we are all searching for additional ways to…

Pet Coupons & Offers

Pet food is expensive, but the pet food industry is also highly competitive. Pet food manufacturer’s regularly run offers for free samples, free bags, and other promotions. The savings from these offers can be significant if you sign up at their sites and take advantage of them. Here are a few suggestions to get the…

Grocery Coupon Organizer

When you start to use coupons, one of the first things you'll learn is that to fully utilize them, you'll need to keep them organized. One of the most frustrating feelings is being in the check-out line knowing that you have a coupon for a product somewhere, but not being able to locate it. There…

Organizing Coupons

One of the most important aspects needed to get the most out of your coupons is to know what coupons you have, When those coupons expire and what store items are a good deal that week. In order to know all this information when you have a large number of coupons, it's essential that you…

Internet Printable Coupons

Online printable coupons can be a great source of savings, if your local retailers accept them. There are three distinct ways to locate internet printable coupons on the internet: first, the coupon publishing sites, or “clearing house” sites; second, the manufacturer product sites/email links; and third, your grocery store websites. Coupon Publishing Sites These sites…

Online Auction Coupons

Another place to get quality grocery coupons is from online auctions such as eBay. While selling coupons is illegal, people have found a way to work around this. Instead of charging for the coupons themselves, they charge a fee for the time and energy used to find, clip and sort the coupons. Since they aren't…

Wine Tags – Beef & Meat Coupons

Many stores offer in-ad coupons, as well as printable coupons, and in store coupons for meat, seafoods, poultry, fresh produce, flowers…redeemable only in their stores. These can be great when combined with sales. However, to get really great savings, you need alternatives! “Wine tags” provide one great alternative. A “wine tag” is simply a coupon…

Other Places To Find Coupons

Once you become attuned to seeking coupons other than online, you are apt to find them all around you and you’ll likely be surprised at how many you have overlooked in the past. It only takes being alert to realize that coupons can be found in many places right under your nose. Before you toss…

Coupon Trains – Introduction

If you are interested in joining or starting a coupon train, there are a lot of others you can join in the coupon section of our forums. Coupon trains are simply a way of exchanging coupons by postal mail. While this is not a new concept and predates the Internet, the Internet has opened up…