If you have a coupon lover in your life, you may be struggling with what to get them. You know they spend a lot of time clipping out inserts and going store to store for deals. While coupons would be nice, there are plenty of gifts you could use and personalize specifically for them. Check out my list of gift ideas for coupon enthusiasts.
Organization Tools
A couponer loves organization. There is so much to get together. You need space for your coupons, inserts, sales ads, and writing utensils. Every person I know has a handy coupon binder. Take this holiday season to update your loved ones. You can check out personalized binder pouches and binder organization folders. Etsy has a number of options for these special gifts. And to help with clipping coupons, you should also think about getting them a specialized pair of scissors.
While the couponer in your life may have a coupon fairy they frequent, what is better than getting coupons delivered straight to your door? You can check with your local paper and see if they have a Sunday paper subscription. One that allows multiple copies is best. You can also purchase them a subscription to a savings magazine. It is a gift they would surely enjoy.
Gift Cards
If you’re still in need of gift ideas for coupon enthusiasts, look no further than a gift card. I typically frown on them because sometimes it feels impersonal. In this case, if you really take notice of where your friend frequents, it could be a thoughtful gesture. They will put that card to good use on their upcoming shopping trips. For discounted gift cards check here. Personalized coupon gear is also a cute idea along with ink and printer paper for the couponers who love printables.
If you are a coupon enthusiast looking for ideas on what to gift your family, make sure you check out the posted video. The video features several gift basket ideas for a steal. If your couponer loves designer things as well as a good deal, add in some luxury items like costa del mar sunglasses.