Just received confirmation that I will be on CNN to do a short interview tomorrow (Saturday) at 11:40 am PST about eating on $1 a day for 100 days. I’m not sure if I should be excited or terrified…

Just received confirmation that I will be on CNN to do a short interview tomorrow (Saturday) at 11:40 am PST about eating on $1 a day for 100 days. I’m not sure if I should be excited or terrified…
How exciting – good luck!!
very cool!!! I am looking forward to seeing the reaction of people. Those who don’t coupon can’t believe that we can eat WELL (often better than them) on very little money.
Very nice! I hope you tivo it and upload it to Youtube, in case anyone misses it.
Excited or terrified? Both, but don’t let that stop you. Breathe deep. Those interviewers are used to talking to people who have little to no live TV experience (BTDT, I was interviewed by CNN, Fox News and MSNBC). If it will be a remote (just you and a camera), take a big sip of water before the interview for the dry mouth, pick a spot on the wall just behind the camera to stare at, and, to quote H2G2, DON’T PANIC! A stress ball in each hand will help, just keep them off camera.
And ask the camera guys for a tape before you sit down to start shooting. They’ll make you one (this is just in case you have a DVR failure).
Good Luck Jeffery. We are all rooting for you on your interview. I do hope you can link us up to see it from your blog because some of us have no cable on TV. Counting pennies across the nation is getting the norm. I have mentioned your blogs to hundreds of people I meet in the grocery store, and out and around. Anytime I see someone like us who looks at the meat isle, and goes on to the eggs and lunch meat and we are very much eating dried beans and rice a lot. Thanks for giving all of us a hand on learning to coupon and buy to benefit not just ourselves but others. I know there will be a lot out there helping you on the penny food pantry effort. I just mentioned you to a lady from a church that does something called Angel Box or the Angel Basket. They help families to buy food parcels with a deal. They must work something like the community farms where you buy a certain amount of food, and then the church gets deals on large parcels of foods and divides the food up into parcels. I am not sure just how that works yet, but I found it interesting, and thought I would mention it because I had heard of other church’s and community centers doing things like that before. You pay on the front end, and then the deals are made for food stuffs. I know there are families that go to butcher and bakery shops and make group deals now. In past days many farmers used to cut out the middle man and offer their crops to people sometimes. I once bought tow sacks of dried black eyed peas and rice like that during a threatened truckers strike. It just makes it hard to store unless you get enough to share and someone to measure that you trust. There are 100 mile people who try to buy within the 100 mile areas for fruits and veggies and meats now to cut down on their imprint on the planet. I saw that on a TV special a while ago. All of you that are doing these things, creatively to help others, and make it better for families to feed themselves are really good people. You impact more lives than you know, and there are many out there who still have need of all the creative ideas we can come up with to help our people survive these difficult times. Lots of love to you, and thank you for your efforts.
The link is here:
Congrats on the interview! I just took a while and looked through your $1/day experiment days. I’m a couponer, and I know just about anything is possible when you plan stuff out. But, you did an amazing job!!
What most impressed me with what you did is that you not only fed yourself with that much but you also continued to give. That’s awesome! I really hope you achieve your goal by even more than you plan. I’m guessing that will be completely possible too!