-Success is in planning. Impulse purchasing whether it is at the grocery store or the Mall can kill any attempts to build up savings. When you take time to create, carry out and reap the rewards of a plan, you are more motivated to continue doing it and get better results as time goes by.

-Use online resources to scout out deals before you shop. If you wait to get in the store to look at the deals, you open yourself up to veering off your shopping plan.

-Use online sources to achieve additional coupon savings. Some grocery stores link their shopper card with a paperless coupon system where you select items you might purchase online. Then that information is uploaded to your shopper card and when you purchase these items and your shopper card is swipped, you received additional savings. Web Bucks are also available online through www.valupage.com. These are coupons that print out to be used on your next shopping trip.

-When the price is right, stock up. Many times grocery items go on sale or are Buy One Get One Free and this is the time to combine your coupon with the store savings for maximum savings. Many times an item can end up being FREE!

Keeping the household stocked with food and supplies is an ongoing challenge that has to be done. Staying on a budget is a continual process that requires sharp spending skills. After all, spending is a skill, not a pastime.