Although hot chocolate was not on the original list of things I was planning to get for the Thanksgiving Dinner For 6 For $1 Challenge, it seemed like a good addition for the kids, and especially if Thanksgiving ends up being a cold day.
Swiss Miss 10 pack boxes are currently on sale for $0.99 at Target and there is a $1.00 off 1 Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate coupon in the Safeway Thanksgiving Coupon Book making them free (it has also been left in the comments that the Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate is also on sale for $0.99 at WalMart). I ended up buying 10 boxes worth $16.40 for $0.00:

This was the first time I had ever used coupons at Target and it was painless with there being no issues even though the coupon was for $1 off and the price for the item was $0.99 (this can cause problems at other retail outlets sometimes). I will definitely be doing more coupon shopping there when good deals arise. I will be keeping two of the packages for Thanksgiving dinner (one with marshmallows and one without) and will give the other eight to the local food bank. I also hope to be able to purchase more hot chocolate for the food bank this week as well.
I now have been able to purchased stuffing, gravy, biscuits and hot chocolate for my Thanksgiving dinner without spending any money up to this point, but I have a lot more that I need to buy to make this a successful meal. I still have my fingers crossed that some good deals will be announced this week.
Hey did you know that if you sign up for the Safeway “Just for U” system (which is now replacing it seems)- you can sign up for coupons and personal deals. There is one personal deal that gives you free eggs, and another coupon for $3 off any produce (but you need to purchase $10 of produce, which may not be that hard to do for you.) Just a thought for potatoes/yams/apples/salad, etc.
Dessert idea – frozen hot chocolate!! You could knock your sister’s socks off with that one!
I don’t know if you have access to an Albertson’s but:
Buy 10 items, save $5 Instantly (0.50 savings per item)
Buy(10) Betty Crocker Super Moist Cake Mix or Brownie Mix – $0.49
-(5) $1/2 coupon from Safeway Thanksgiving coupon book
Final Price: Free! (or $0.10 MM)
At the least, yummy brownies for dessert if you can’t score a pie and brownies for the food bank. At the best, 10 cents more to add to your budget!
And if you can get the doublers that are in the Sunday paper, you can double those coupons, making it a $5.10 moneymaker!!! Not sure if you can do more than one group of 10 per transaction, but that would definitely put you in good shape to get most of the other items on your list. If you can do 2 or more sets of 10 in a transaction, you could even get a turkey!
Unfortunately, I live in an area that doesn’t double coupons. 🙁
How do you get around the stores putting a limit on how many coupons you can use in one transaction? Do you just know the quantity for each store or is it trial and error? Like I noticed on the Grands you did it 6 at a time, was that the store limit? I would think that is someone saw me coming with that much of one item they would frown upon it ESPECIALLY since I was getting it for free. Do you run into the disgruntle checkers? Maybe I just need thicker skin or take on the “I dont care what you think” attitude. LOL
The vast majority of stores do not have a limit on the number of coupons you can use. None of the stores in my area do. I did them in sets of 6 because that is how they worked out to be free. If I had bought 12, I would have only received $3.00 (just like when I bought 6) from the Catalina coupon, so six was the only way to get them for free.
Wow! How I wish I was able to avail for that one…I love hot chocolates, Swiss Miss in particular. You just got your self a great deal!