We have updated our list of grocery stores that offer double coupons by breaking them into individual states. This should make it much easier to find the stores in your state that offer double coupons.

The grocery store business is quite competitive and offering double coupons is one way that grocery stores compete against one another. That being said, double coupon policies tend to change quite frequently. While we do our best to keep our double coupon list up to date, we rely on the readers to help us keep it current.

If you are aware that a grocery store on our list which no longer offers double coupons, or know of a new grocery store that does, we'd greatly appreciate it if you took a minute to email us so that we can keep the list as current as possible.

Double coupons are a great way to maximise your coupon savings and we want to be able to help everyone locate a store where shoppers can take advantage of this perk.