On my trip to Safeway today to get some more food for my Eating Well On $1 A Day Challenge, I came across a booklet of coupons on the end of one of the aisles called “Shrek-Tacular Savings” with $10 in coupons inside. I grabbed a few and will continue to look out for them on each trip because there is a good chance that I may be able to use a couple of them for the $1 A Day challenge or for the food banks. The coupon booklet includes the following coupons (all expire 6/13/10):

$1 off 2 boxes of Total cereal
$1 off 2 bags of 19oz – 24 oz Green Giant Frozen Bagged vegetables
$1 off Yoplait Go-Gurt Yogurt
$1 off 2 boxes of Fruit Roll Ups
$1 off 2 boxes of Betty Crocker Box Supreme Brownie Mix
$1 off a 40 oz or larger Bisquick pancake mix
$1 off 2 Pillsbury refrigerated baked goods
$1 off 2 Pillsbury sweet rolls
$1 off 2 boxes of any type Cheerios cereal
$1 off 2 boxes of General Mills “sugar” cereals
Keep an eye out because these coupons could be great to have for some stockpiling (or getting food to donate to your local food bank) in the weeks to come.