By Melanie Breeze

Coupons can be a great tool in educating your child about saving money, being frugal, and shopping smart. Who doesn’t want their children to grow up knowing how to save easily on every purchase? With coupon clipping you’ll show them money saving skills they can use throughout their life!

Teaching your child with coupons can start at an early age. Pointing all of the inserts of the coupons in your Sunday paper can be a great way to teach children the colors. It is also a good way to read to your children, and the time spent will show them the value that coupons can bring to their life.

As your child grows, you can let them take a more active role in using the coupons you collect together. Letting them in on helping to manage your coupon folder will show them the importance of time and money management. Go through and get rid of old coupons together, pointing to a calendar to let them learn about time and expiration. Show them that organization and thinking ahead of a purchase will help them save money. These savings can be applied throughout their life, so it’s important to get them playing an active role in your coupon management.

Another thing that makes coupons so great in your child’s education is it teaches them math and counting skills. You can point out dollars off, letting them subtract from the purchase price, and teach them how much value can come from something that’s free. You can calculate percentages and add savings amounts. Another idea is to let them get an allowance from all the savings they find. This will not only help motivate them to find great deals, but it can help you save a lot of money at the same time.

We all know the internet is playing an increasing role in everyone’s lives. Did you know that coupons have found their way online? For most purchases you can always find an online coupon or promotion code that can be applied at checkout. Make sure to show your children about this easy way to save money by simply spending a couple minutes to find a coupon. And, these types of savings are still free and are even easier to find! You can just search on any of the search engines like Google or Yahoo and find a huge range of coupons for any retailer. Not only will this teach your child about coupons but they’ll be learning the value of using computers and the internet to save them money.

We don’t think about it much, but starting early to teach with your children with coupons is very important. They will learn about the calendar, math, and saving money. These tools you teach them now will last throughout their life, so make sure to get an early start in coupon clipping with kids.