Unfortunately, we aren’t currently aware of a single grocery store chain based in Alaska which offers to double manufacturer coupons. Grocery stores will usually offer to double coupons in order to bring in more customers, but offering the double coupons also has to make financial sense. When a grocery store offers to redeem coupons at double their face value, it costs the grocery store that amount (only the face value will be reimbursed by the manufacturer).
Double coupon grocery store policies frequently change, so even though we’re not aware of any double coupon grocery stores in Alaska at this time, it’s possible this will change in the future. Always keep your eyes open for coupon related changes at your local grocery stores. If you do have any questions about a store’s double coupon policy, contact the store manager to verify it.
We make every attempt to keep this double coupon list current. In order to do this, we rely on readers like you to provide us with your first hand knowledge about the latest double coupon information in Alaska. If you are aware of any grocery stores in Alaska which now offer to double coupons, please email us.