We are aware of only one grocery stores in Idaho which offers double manufacturer coupons. The reasons that grocery stores will sometimes offer to double coupons is to drive more customers traffic into their stores. Offering the double coupons does come at a price, so it has to make financial sense for a grocery store to decide to offer them. When a grocery store does offer to redeem coupons at double their face value, the grocery store must take the cost of the doubled coupon against their profits (the manufacturer will only reimburse the face value of the coupon, not the doubled amount).
Please remember, grocery store coupon policies change on a fairly frequent basis. It’s possible that the current situation will change in the future more stores in Idaho will offer double coupons. If you do have any questions about your local grocery store’s double coupon policy, contact the store manager to verify it.
We spend a lot of time making every attempt to keep this double coupon list current. We do, however, need to rely on readers like you to provide us with the latest double coupon information in Idaho. If you’re aware of any grocery stores which we have missed that are located in Idaho that now offer to double coupons, please email us.
Albertson’s – offers double coupons twice a month and it only lasts for 3 days. Usually it’s Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday. The usual dates run at the first of the month and the middle of the month, but there is also a few limitations on purchases. You must have a “twice the value” coupon that usually comes in the same Sunday paper as the sale. You can only use 3 “twice the value” coupon’s on a single transaction, with 3 transactions at a time. However, you may go through the line as many times a day as you have doublers for (thanks Shirl and Patty)
Note: Walmart will take the double coupons from Albertson’s
Albertson’s quit the double couponing.